David Renaud, RPT
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Piano keys eventually become soiled with accumulated oil and dirt from fingers. To clean your white keys, use a soft cloth dampened with water and a small amount of mild soap. Avoid solvents. Make sure the cloth is thoroughly wrung out, and wipe the keys back-to-front rather than side-to-side, so excess moisture and dirt will not seep down the sides of the keys. Clean only a few keys at a time drying immediately with a clean cloth.

Ivory keys are porous, and excessive moisture can penetrate and loosen their glue joints. Also, a dirty or brightly colored cleaning cloth can transfer stains into the ivory.

Clean sharps in the same manner, but use a separate cloth for painted wooden sharps to avoid black stains on keys.


New ivory is no longer available. Limited supplies of old used ivory are available for individual replacements at $10 each installed. Matching yellowed ivory may not be possible. Old yellow ivory can be sanded on glass with 600 paper then buffed with ivory compound to whiten and restore luster. If more then 10 ivory are chipped or missing it is usually recommended to replace the set with new key caps.
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Cleaning keys